пятница, 6 апреля 2012 г.

Letter: Dispense with tobacco sales

tobacco marketing

As a father of two and a resident of Albany County, I have to say that I was disappointed in your editorial opposing the end of tobacco sales in Albany County pharmacies ("Good idea, bad policy," March 12). Arguments against this restriction were made but they just didn't add up to enough.

Becoming a parent has put a welcome burden on me to ensure that I make choices and act to protect my children and help them become healthy adults and citizens. I'm appalled when I walk into a pharmacy with my child, and we're forced to stare at tobacco marketing behind and all around the counter, just in order to purchase medicine.

I agree that individual choice and behavior need to play a strong role in our health. What I don't believe is that individuals or businesses can address the health of our communities alone.
The Times Union expressed concern over government micromanaging our lives, but our communities are already being regulated — by the tobacco industry. They spend $1 million an hour nationally, $1 million a day in this state, marketing their addictive and deadly products.

According to the Center for Public Health & Tobacco Policy at New England Law School in Boston, that's more than double what is spent on marketing for junk food, soda and alcohol, combined.
The concern over potentially regulating every other "unhealthy" product doesn't stick. In order to sell cigarettes, a business has to be a licensed tobacco retailer. I don't recall hearing about licensed junk food retailers or licensed soda retailers. That's because tobacco products are in a league of their own: They kill one to two out of every three people that use them.

The power wielded by the multibillion-dollar tobacco industry is not something that can be countered by individual choice alone. I applaud Albany County Legislator Tim Nichols for taking a stand and representing the collective individuals who aren't against freedom of choice but believe we have a right to be provided the healthy choice first.

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