вторник, 28 апреля 2009 г.

Marijuana Smoke More Toxic than Cigarettes

Are you a Marijuana or Cigarette smoker? Then you should betted know that Marijuana is more dangerous than Cigarettes. Recent researches shows that almost every Marijuana smokes less than Cigarette smokers. But thats not a good sign either. Researchers who compared marijuana smoke to tobacco smoke found that ammonia levels were 20 times higher in the marijuana smoke, and that hydrogen cyanide and nitrogen-related chemicals also were more prevalent in the marijuana smoke. The latter likely came from fertilizer used to grow the marijuana, which came from Canada. Unlike tobacco, however, marijuana smoke does not contain the addictive drug nicotine. New research finds that smoking three or four marijuana cigarettes a week for six years could harm lung function and destroy antioxidants that protect cells against heart disease and cancer.

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