понедельник, 5 ноября 2012 г.

Companies count cost of smoking

Smokers are costing the UK economy £1.4 billion by taking an average of two or three days more sick leave per year than their non-smoking colleagues, a new study by the University of Nottingham has revealed.

The study said the £1.4bn lost in the UK due to smoking-related absenteeism was only one of the numerous costs of smoking in the workplace.

Research by Dr Jo Leonardi-Bee and Stephen Weng based at the university's UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies also found others costs included productivity lost to smoking breaks and the cost of cigarette-related fire damage.

Dr Leonardi-Bee said: "Quitting smoking appears to reduce absenteeism and result in substantial cost savings for employers."

The report, published in the journal Addiction, analysed 29 studies from around the world which were conducted between 1960 and 2011 and covered more than 71,000 workers, This Is Nottingham reported.

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