вторник, 26 июня 2012 г.

Tobacco-free parks

We find ourselves in a quandary. On one hand, we applaud the Fremont City Council’s approval of a resolution that prohibits tobacco use in city parks and trails except in designated areas. But we also can’t help being concerned about another governmental intrusion into our lives. Prohibiting tobacco use in parks and trails will have healthful benefits, which ultimately may reduce the medical costs we all pay.

It also is a good step toward the goal of becoming a Well City USA. However, we might have preferred to take an approach similar to what is being suggested in Lincoln. The proposal there is to prohibit tobacco in areas where children regularly play, such as playgrounds and ball parks. As much as this resolution can make Fremont a healthier place to live, we can’t help but be concerned that government’s role is not necessarily to protect us from ourselves. Each rule like this moves us closer to having the government make all of our decisions.

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