понедельник, 18 октября 2010 г.

Quit Smoking Monday Messages

The Meaning of Freedom when we Quit Smoking

Once we quit smoking, the word freedom takes on a depth of meaning it never had before. The benefits of better health and more money in our pockets only marks the beginning of the positive changes most of us enjoy after quitting.

The quit stories in today's feature illustrate the value freedom from nicotine addiction has had on 10 unique and precious lives.
Healthy Monday encourages us to think of every Monday as a day that we can begin work anew on goals that we have for ourselves. If you're still smoking, put your cigarettes down and get started on your quit program today.

Quit Smoking Monday Messages Archive
We all have the ability to quit smoking successfully, and we all deserve a life that is free of addiction. Honor your life by choosing Monday as the day to start and reinforce your quit program.

You can quit smoking ... and we're here to help you, one simple Monday at a time.

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